Beiträge von DORTEY

    Welcome to my ESX Busjob.

    Config Settings

    -> Coords | Menu, Ped, 3D Text, Parkinglots, Blips, Routes etc

    -> Money | Random (as example between 5/10) and payment (cash/bank)

    -> XP | Random (as example between 2/5) and XP to the next Level up

    -> Vehicle | Changeable vehicle type/color for each route and speed limit

    -> Message | Messages are changeable

    -> Notify | Notify style chooseable (custom notify support)

    -> Other | Wait timer when stopping at bus stop

    -> ESX Legacy | 1.1, 1.2 etc may also working (not tested)


    -> The buyer receives all updates free of charge via his keymaster account.

    -> Using FiveM Escrow system

    -> UI is changeable in html, css and js.

    -> no /setjob needed (it works without it)

    -> Price: 5€ + tebex tax

    Preview Video -> Click

    Update Video 1.0.1 & 1.0.2 Click 5€ + tebex tax